Blog Archive

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

God Is Tangible

The other day at the gym I was at the triceps machine when a young man, that I presume is in his early thirties approached the machine on a wheel chair. He had a certain disability; it was visible in his hands.
Since his height was limited due to the wheel chair he asked me if I could please clip a strap to the machine and set the weights “to 20lbs, no let’s do 25lbs I think I can do it now.” I said sure, clipped the strap and he inserted his hand through the loops at the end of the straps, I proceeded to finish my sets and he struggled but did his. After about three sets he asked to please unclip the strap for him, I did, he thanked me and proceeded to other side of the gym where he repeated the process to continue working out.
This experience really got me thinking about how easy it would be for many of us in a similar situation to stay at home, sulk in our sorrow and just plain give up on life. Yet this guy has the internal fortitude to continue living as “normal” as possible. I didn’t ask him his name, I didn’t make small talk, I didn’t ask him anything, I just assisted him and then silently thanked God for showing me a tangible example of his existence. God is real. Have a good day, friends.

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